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 Заголовок сообщения: Practice your English
СообщениеДобавлено: 14 сен 2013, 13:22 
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Зарегистрирован: 19 апр 2011, 12:14
Сообщения: 1928
Откуда: Киев
I start this topic for people, who want practice there English. Sometimes, I will put some materials in English, which connected with aviation, which made me interested and for which I have no time for translate into Russian.
Welcome English speaking world!
Today I saw documental film about crash Air France 447. Invite you to look and realize what happened.

Делай что должно и будь что будет...
the best safety device in any aircraft is a well trained pilot...

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Practice your English
СообщениеДобавлено: 14 сен 2013, 13:56 
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Зарегистрирован: 06 май 2013, 18:59
Сообщения: 16
Oo.. It's happend at the end of 2009... I seen this doc movie twice: NG and Descovery channels. On NG it was its own project about air disusters (forgot the name), on Disc. it was the same which you shared from BBC... And, after each program i always had the same think: air companies spend a lot of money and time to prepare pilots, arrange many different tranings and in the result thay (i mean pilots) are not possible to understand or graps "what's happing in true". I haven't any experience with flying and can't make any conclusions, but you have! Maybe you can explain from your side: was that "tiredness" or "disattention"? I heard, one of pilotes which stayed in cockpit, had more 3500 hours of practical using A330...

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Practice your English
СообщениеДобавлено: 14 сен 2013, 14:34 
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Зарегистрирован: 19 апр 2011, 12:14
Сообщения: 1928
Откуда: Киев
_app писал(а):
Oo.. It's happend at the end of 2009... I seen this doc movie twice: NG and Descovery channels. On NG it was its own project about air disusters (forgot the name), on Disc. it was the same which you shared from BBC... And, after each program i always had the same think: air companies spend a lot of money and time to prepare pilots, arrange many different tranings and in the result thay (i mean pilots) are not possible to understand or graps "what's happing in true". I haven't any experience with flying and can't make any conclusions, but you have! Maybe you can explain from your side: was that "tiredness" or "disattention"? I heard, one of pilotes which stayed in cockpit, had more 3500 hours of practical using A330...

My mind is, that a lot of pilot now not pilot, they are operators of computers. A lot of them not flying small aircraft, never trained Stall, spin and even don't know, how it looks and what they should do. Some flights for them by Cessna 150-172 emergency procedure, which part of PPL training can help a lot.

Делай что должно и будь что будет...
the best safety device in any aircraft is a well trained pilot...

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Practice your English
СообщениеДобавлено: 14 сен 2013, 15:07 
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Зарегистрирован: 06 май 2013, 18:59
Сообщения: 16
snikiforov писал(а):
My mind is, that a lot of pilot now not pilot, they are operators of computers.

Operator whith more then 3500 hours!...
These operator had a big responsibles for each life on a board... I know,to become a line pilot, the target person shoud has many pices of sheets (licences) which witnesses the expirience of using target aircraft; they pass exams and so on... AirFrance is not a cheap company and let to work without imagination a basic skills?
I sure, after find, open and discode the "red boxes" AF had conclusions, and not just AF, it was lesson for all... But what "operator" whith what mistake will next?

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Practice your English
СообщениеДобавлено: 14 сен 2013, 15:31 
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Зарегистрирован: 19 апр 2011, 12:14
Сообщения: 1928
Откуда: Киев
yes, operator with 3500 hours. Some years ago Luftahansa pilot can't land in Borispol with out of work ILS. He come back Germany!!! After that was found, that a lot of them can't do BASIC things. I was also shocked about that. :shock:

Делай что должно и будь что будет...
the best safety device in any aircraft is a well trained pilot...

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Practice your English
СообщениеДобавлено: 14 сен 2013, 17:02 
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Зарегистрирован: 06 май 2013, 18:59
Сообщения: 16
snikiforov писал(а):
Luftahansa pilot can't land in Borispol with out of work ILS.

Eriсh Hartmann (http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Хартманн,_Эрих_Альфред) cries blue tires!

I'm interesting WizzAir's pilots expirience. From first time when WizzAir come to Ukraine market, in past years, i found information, WAU took pilots with minimum 250hr. and it was not matter fly expr. on A320.
The topic was actually, because i had some flying from Ukr. to Ger. and back.
Remember two fly, the cap was Sergey Dement'yev, i fount he was chief of WAU =)

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Practice your English
СообщениеДобавлено: 14 сен 2013, 18:21 
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Зарегистрирован: 11 ноя 2011, 21:39
Сообщения: 36
Here is a video from American Airlines "children of magenta". This is all about automation in cockpit and the lack of basic flying skills of professional pilots:

I found it an extremely good video about using autopilots and flight management system in flight!

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Practice your English
СообщениеДобавлено: 14 сен 2013, 20:11 
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Зарегистрирован: 19 апр 2011, 12:14
Сообщения: 1928
Откуда: Киев
Very nice video and very funny guy. Thank you Jac.

Делай что должно и будь что будет...
the best safety device in any aircraft is a well trained pilot...

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Practice your English
СообщениеДобавлено: 16 сен 2013, 14:05 
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Зарегистрирован: 19 апр 2011, 14:06
Сообщения: 306
A friend of mine flies A320 in WizzAir Ukraine. Whenever possible, they arm A/P after completing SID for the sake of hand-flying.
Even FAA has got hands on preventing pilots from becoming just an operators - http://www.flyingmag.com/news/faa-encou ... d-fly-more

UA PPL/a SEP :: EASA PPL/a SEP :: ICAO Level 5

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Practice your English
СообщениеДобавлено: 14 окт 2013, 14:21 
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Зарегистрирован: 30 июн 2011, 11:25
Сообщения: 399
Откуда: Москва, Рига, Киев, Афины
Перевод Леонида Махаринского:
Русские частушки в переводе на английский:

По реке плывет топор
Из села Чугуева,
Hу и пусть себе плывет
Железяка х@ева…

Down the river drifts an axe
From the town of Byron.
Let it float by itself-
Fucking piece of iron!!!

С неба звездочка упала
Прямо милому в штаны,
Пусть горит там, что попало,
Лишь бы не было войны.

Star let’s fallen from the heavens
Right into my boyfriend's briefs,
I don't mind his roasted penis
If it helps us live in peace.

Мы спросили у Петрова
Почему на шее провод
А Петров не отвечает
Только ботами качает

Kids are asking uncle Peck:
Why’s there wire on your neck?
Uncle has no words to spare
Swinging calmly in the air.

С уважением, Max405

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