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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Визиты друзей и к друзьям.
СообщениеДобавлено: 05 май 2011, 00:42 
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Зарегистрирован: 19 апр 2011, 16:42
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Откуда: Днепропетровск

Комментарий к файлу: Передаём гостей в заботливые руки Дениса из хендлинга "Челленж Аэро".
webDSC_0361.JPG [ 388.44 КБ | Просмотров: 5368 ]
Комментарий к файлу: Прощальное фото в аэропорту.
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Комментарий к файлу: Прощальный ужин.
Кто-нибудь знает, что происходит с пивом "Гиннес" в Украине?

webDSC_0322.JPG [ 403.38 КБ | Просмотров: 5368 ]
Комментарий к файлу: Йорг на Андреевском спуске. Большой интерес вызвали фото времён второй мировой войны, предметы, оригинальные и реплики, того времени. У них эта часть их истории вычеркнута из памяти - родители просто не отвечали детям на их вопросы о войне, о том, как они относились к нацизму, что делали в это время. Вроде бы и не было ничего.
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Юрий Клёмин
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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Визиты друзей и к друзьям.
СообщениеДобавлено: 05 май 2011, 00:45 
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Зарегистрирован: 19 апр 2011, 16:42
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Откуда: Днепропетровск
Как и было запланировано, ровно в 10.00 по местному времени Grumman N267MT произвел взлёт, далее с двумя промежуточными посадками в EPRZ и EDAB в 19.30 по европейскому времени произвел посадку дома в Бонне, EDKB, проведя около 8 часов в полёте.
Йорг и Лютц, ждём вас снова в гости!

Юрий Клёмин

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Визиты друзей и к друзьям.
СообщениеДобавлено: 05 май 2011, 08:52 
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Зарегистрирован: 19 апр 2011, 16:42
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Откуда: Днепропетровск
Ещё раз хочу подчеркнуть неоценимую помощь, которую оказал в организации и проведении этого мероприятия Андрей Ферчук. Фактически, он всё сделал сам, я участвовал преимущественно в роли наблюдателя. Без него этот визит если бы даже и мог состояться, то не был бы таким приятным, душевным и удобным для наших гостей.

Юрий Клёмин

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Визиты друзей и к друзьям.
СообщениеДобавлено: 05 май 2011, 12:59 
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Зарегистрирован: 30 апр 2011, 09:55
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Откуда: Альфа Центавра
Очень интересный отчет, по-моему я с Йоргом однажды разговаривал по телефону. Почему нельзя лететь VFR? С лидировщиком - можно! Без лидировщика с хорошей подготовкой теперь тоже вроде бы можно, жалко что упустили такой шанс опробовать новое разрешение 1 зама ДАА. См. тему про лидировщика. А по IFR боинги и так летают каждый день. Но я очень рад, что немцы таки начинают летать в Украину в гости, и не только большой толпой взяв с собой "языка", но и сами, поодиночке.

Залог здоровья - не зарядка по утрам, а высота и скорость.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Визиты друзей и к друзьям.
СообщениеДобавлено: 05 май 2011, 13:22 
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Зарегистрирован: 19 апр 2011, 16:42
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Откуда: Днепропетровск
Игорь писал(а):
Очень интересный отчет, по-моему я с Йоргом однажды разговаривал по телефону.

Это он, вы пересекались в теме http://www.pprune.org/private-flying/41 ... raine.html
При планировании Йорг учитывал в том числе и твой опыт полётов в Украину.

Юрий Клёмин

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Визиты друзей и к друзьям.
СообщениеДобавлено: 05 май 2011, 14:29 
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Зарегистрирован: 30 апр 2011, 09:55
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Откуда: Альфа Центавра
papatango писал(а):
Наш пилот получил приказ открыть огонь на поражение. Он докладывает: отказ пушки. Получает повторный приказ и опять докладывает об отказе.

Грустная история. Могла получиться еще гораздо грустнее, но так тоже грустная... Того и глядишь и к нам торнадо прилетят без разрешения. Надоест им ждать пока в ЦКП трубку возьмут, чтобы ответ по заявке дать :D

Залог здоровья - не зарядка по утрам, а высота и скорость.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Визиты друзей и к друзьям.
СообщениеДобавлено: 05 май 2011, 16:26 
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Зарегистрирован: 19 апр 2011, 16:42
Сообщения: 2051
Откуда: Днепропетровск
Отчёт Йорга о полёте в Украину.

A pathfinder trip to the Ukraine
Jцrg H. Trauboth

If you search the internet about flying with smaller aircraft to and in the Ukraine, you won't find too much. Some "war stories" of Ultra light flyers and people with obviously bad and expensive handling experiences. AVGAS not really available and a very strange country for non Russian speakers...

Is this true? The idea was to make a "pathfinder trip" before we will start in July to our Eastern Europe adventure (Ukraine including Crimea -Turkey-Greece-Croatia) with 4 aircraft/ AYA crews.

The Grumman Tiger N267MT started Thursday, April 28 in Bonn- Hangelar (EDKB) with Jцrg - and his brother Lutz on the right seat - in some mixed weather to Dresden (EDDC). Arriving there, we had good visibility and diverted near the German/ Polish border to Bautzen (EDAB) where the costs are cheaper and less ground time is necessary. A huge airfield of the former GDR army (NVA) with AVGAS (2.52 Euros/ltr), a good service and nice people (http://www.flugplatz-bautzen.de/). From Bautzen straight down in 6000 ft under the umbrella of friendly English speaking controllers to Jasionka (EPRZ). This is a good growing GAT airfield (www.airport-lotnisko.rzeszow.pl/) with reasonable fees (AVGAS 1.95 Euros/ltr for private flights). We remained over night in the identified Dwor Ostoya Airport Hotel for our July trip. What a good start up!

The weather next day was MVFR, therefore we planned IFR, which makes, however, not a big difference. You have to fly in the Ukraine also VFR on IFR routes. The situation is just changing but right now free flying without a navigator in airspace G is not possible. Thanks to our friends in the Ukraine, the permit to enter the airspace was available at time. As map, we used a free world map on the IPAD, the best what was available for us. There are locally produced VFR maps available but with Russian text. Hm...Therefore the combination of our free maps with the Jeppesen low altitude charts and the Garmins with the airspaces was sufficient. The 340 NM route brought us to Lliv (UKLL) direct East to Kiev (UKNN). The flight plan requirement was to fly in FL 110 (MEA) but we changed this without any problems in flight into comfortable 6000 ft. The Ukraine controllers were helpfully and their English is good. We were aware that on this route no real close by alternate was available. The Ukraine however, has many small 400 - 700 m grass airfields operated by local flying clubs, but they are not on the maps. The rural landscape below us was flat and offered good options for a forced landing. Meanwhile the engine in N267MT has about 1900 hours, but it still runs smooth with 1 ltr. oil consumption per 8-10 hours. Taking care of the engine by the EDM with the right settings is one of my number one jobs in the cockpit. Lutz, as sailor has a great understanding of all mechanical things, wind, weather and navigation and was a real support in and outside the plane.

For the approach in Kiev international, Lutz had recalculated all the figures from KM into NM and the meters in feet. I had intensively studied the ICAO approach documents before and was aware that the whole system is based on NDB's, sometimes with DME's additionally. VOR's more seldom. Kiev radar gave us radar vectors into Runway 08 and we soon saw the big city along the Dniepr river and the airport. We were really impressed by the masses of Antonov and Russian transport aircraft parked on the grass, but dead and forever unflyable, as we learned later. The Ukraine is full of airplanes parked on the ground with no future. There are only about 300 pilots having a licence in Ukraine and only 20-30 owners of a light plane.

An empty big bus with about 80 seats came (I assumed this would cost something) and a delegation of 5 souls approached us in military and other impressive uniforms, rank signs and serious faces. Hopefully they will not take me into jail, I thought. As pilot you never know whether you did something wrong.... At least, we were on the right parking position. The first question (translated by a handling agent) was:" do you pay cash or by credit card"? I realized that it couldn't become too bad. We were asked about the number of passengers, whether we need a car to move the airplane and several further checklist questions which were more addressed to BOINGs and Air Busses. Always tell the people that the person on the right seat is a pilot, otherwise you pay for a passenger, we have been luckily informed in advance. N267MT was the first Grumman aircraft in Kiev ever. And arrivals of other light aircraft from the west probably - most probably only a hand full during all the years. Yes, it was something like a historical moment. Immigration was done without problems and then Andrew and Yurii arrived.

With both guys, I have had a 3 month's ongoing good communication to prepare our AYA summer trip through the Ukraine to the Black Sea down to Istanbul. Yurii, as our far East AYA member was my motivation to try this. He had bought a Traveller from UK, now registered in the Ukraine and has already 50 flying hours. He uses the AVGAS 91/96 U, produced by Hjelmco Oil, Inc from Sweden, which is accepted by Lycoming for his non compressed engine (Service Instruction No. 1070Q) and also generally granted by True Flight Aerospace (in an email to me). In the trip preparation, I have also learned that Lycoming meanwhile has granted the Unleaded Automotiv Fuel (EN 228:2008:E), but with the requirement of less than 1% oxygenates/no ETHANOL). And just this makes the problem, since the share of alcohol in this fuel is higher. The chances to fly Super with in the O 360 A4K engine are presently zero.

But back to the tour. Yurii came commercially down from Dnipropetrovs'k. Andrew is employed in a company based on the Kiev airfield also taking care of our handling. He was recommended by Yurii as our navigator for our summer trip. Andrew organised our permit to enter which is still necessary for a flight to Ukraine and he organized everything at Kiev airport, including a much cheaper parking place in the area of his company. Thanks to him and the company, we finally paid for the airfield services (4 days) 200 USD including Follow Me, customs, parking and further handling. You can easily pay 3 times more, if you are not taken care by a local. Andrew is not only a pilot but also an aircraft builder. He detected immediately after parking that my 3 blade MT prop was heavily hit by a stone with a good impact in the metal area. I called MT in Straubing and they confirmed that there is nothing serious about it, as long the inside stuff of the prop is not visible. It wasn't. When we towed the Grumman, the tow bar broke. "No problem", Andre said, I will fix it.

Some hours later, we saw ourselves in Andrews garage where he is constructing a fantastic airplane. The airplane is designed by Stelio Fratti, original name F15F, its predecessor is SIAI Marchetti SF 260. He just had finished the painting. The other airplane he worked on, was a lovely biplane, a full-metal redesigned version of ACRO Sport II 3. Andrew has served in the Russian forces as mechanic and his life is 1. aviation. 2. aviation, 3. aviation. Ando of course, the tow bar was fixed in 10 minutes. First evening with Ukraine beers and food and lot of pilot's talking. The English of Andrew is better than mine and Yurii is already doing very well. He studies all our AYA communication and especially the AYA Star, produced by Don Metz. The world we are describing in our magazine is something these brave people are dreaming of, to fly unrestricted, no overloaded bureauracy and the right spare parts available. Flying a Grumman in Ukraine is of course a higher challenge than to fly a Yak. All my respect, Yurii!

Saturday Kiev sightseeing. We learned about the history, the impact of the not far away Chernobyl, the role of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine and the ambivalent relation to Russia. We experienced that too many people have no job as a result of the severe economic crisis, but we saw also the higher class, presenting the Porsches, Daimler and Stretch Limos. The Ukraine has no oil, gas or other resources which could lead the country into a better future and the former Sovjet Union has drawn out people and expertise, especially aviation skills. But all the shopping malls with big names and food chains have already arrived. Many western companies produce already in the Ukraine and tourism might become a major income source. Hopefully! We will see more in the summer and keep our fingers crossed that the economy might grow soon. At least, we will help with our small Grumman flying engagement. According to Andrew, this is an important one. The Ukraine has 2012 the European football championship in country and is just going to open the airspace of General Aviation. Officially there will be no need for a navigator to escort anybody inflight, but practically..? Therefore, our summer trip is claimed as a "test flight" to show that free flying is possible, " and it will help enormously", Andrew said.

Andrew and Yurii showed us all the important churches and monuments (http://bestofukraine.com/ukraine-travel ... .html#c446), a remarkable open air aviation museum and here they were, all the MIG's and great Tupolevs as reminder of a former time. I saw all "my" enemy airplanes from MIG 21 to MIG 29 when I was sitting in PHANTOM F 4 and TORNADO airplanes of the German Airforce. Realising this, I am always very grateful that I never had to fly against the Russian system and that NATO's enemy's pact collapsed without firing one bullet.

Our trip came to an end, we thought. Farewell Saturday evening in a pilot's bar with Yurii, Andrew and their ladies and Lutz and Jцrg - and with a high probability that our departure next day might not be possible due to bad weather in Poland, a low pressure front with embedded thunderstorms.

That just happened. What are we pilots without internet? Next morning Lutz and I decided not to fly back and to wait for better weather. A wise decision. As the bad weather came down to Kiev with heavy rain and lightening, we saw some more of the city, which celebrated the first of May. No parades as in Moscow. Kiev, a city with many green areas, was full of families from all the country, music and happy people. The Kreshchatyk Boulevard down to the Independence Square was closed for cars. Lutz and I finished the day a bit unconventionally for pilots. We heard that Kiev has a fantastic opera in an historical building, the National Opera, and as fans of operas we bought (for 40 Euros) two top seat tickets to see La Traviata. Verdi is just great in the arrangement how a lovely and beloved lady has to die. A fantastic evening with enthusiastic applaud in a great atmosphere. Back in the Hotel Rus (80 Euros/night), we were again not sure, whether we could take off next day.

But next Monday morning the front was through. Yurii brought us to the airfield. Andrews company made again an excellent job.

Within 45 minutes all administrative things were done. The N267MT was pulled - with a well repaired tow bar - to the L21 parking place, received the clearance and took off at 100 local. Since we were in Ukraine one hour ahead and good forecasted tailwinds which would give us up to 150 kts GS, we decided to make the 880 NM tour back in one day. A Kiev radar controller asked on the way back: "N267MT I am just curious about your airplane. What is an AA5B". "It is a Grumman Tiger and still one of the best airplanes in it's class", was my answer. The controller appreciated that with his best wishes for the further flight.

The tour took us back via EPRZ and Bautzen, but this time crossing the Czech Republic, where we could see the Olomouc area from above.

This was really a long trip, but fun. Lutz enjoyed playing with the airplane in clouds and the various landscapes. In Bautzen the weather became really bad, but we received a fine GPS approach by Munich radar and refuelled for the last trip. VFR via Dresden, Leipzig and Erfurt. Again, everything went well. Monday, May 2nd, 1930 local N267MT landed safely in Bonn Hangelar (EDKB) with two tired but happy pilots.

Lessons learned
AVGAS (leaded or unleaded) is only available via aero clubs. The prizes are presently rising at the European AVGAS level. The fees at international airports are usually about at least 200 USD/per day.
International hotels and food have European quality, as well. All credit cards can be used, but at some places with caution. Criminal level as in all western cities. The tourist industry in Kiev is still under developed. Beside Russian, people learn English at school. It's a good time to visit the Ukraine. In some years, it will be different with all the western influence.
Ukraine is a challenging country for small aircraft with no major risks for pilots and aircraft. The tour must be prepared well. The situation to enter and to fly through is just improving. AYA plays an important role to demonstrate that "free VFR flying" is possible in Ukraine, Andrew Ferchuk, an Ukrainian aviation insider, said.

To both our friends in Kiev: a great thank. We will never forget and look forward our summer tour even more. Without you both and the help of "Challenge Aero Ukraine" and his boss Sergej Nikiforov behind the scenery, it wouldn't have been so easy. We hope that you both will make with us after the week in the Ukraine the tour from Odessa to Istanbul. It will be great international set up anyway, if Mehmet's Turkish club members from Istanbul should join us on the way from Odessa via Romania and Bulgaria to Turkey. But this will be another story....

Jцrg Trauboth

P.S.: See some pictures of Andrew http://forum.privat.aero/viewtopic.php? ... p=317#p317, you might translate his Russian text with your computer program.

Юрий Клёмин

Последний раз редактировалось yuriydnepr 05 май 2011, 23:50, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Визиты друзей и к друзьям.
СообщениеДобавлено: 05 май 2011, 16:43 
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Зарегистрирован: 19 апр 2011, 16:42
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Откуда: Днепропетровск
papatango писал(а):
Грумман интересен тем, что в его конструкции почти нет заклепочных соединений. Обшивка крыла и фюзеляжа - клеенная. (Сам не понимаю, что за клей и технология должны быть, чтобы держать силовые элементы из алюминиевых сплавов :shock: ).

Заклёпки есть, но их существенно меньше, чем в традиционной конструкции.
Благодаря более гладкой, беззаклёпочной поверхности достигаются превосходящие одноклассников характеристики в скорости и экономичности.

Немного о клее.
Клеи в авиационной промышленности

Выявившееся около 25 лет назад стремление создавать авиационные конструкции с малым весом увенчалось широким применением тонких металлических обшивок и сотовых конструкций, что потребовало нового подхода к решению задач соединения и крепления. В связи с этим в Англии был разработан первый конструкционный клей «Ридакс» для склеивания несущих конструкций в авиации. Вскоре первый торговый авиационный клей был выпущен и в США. Он представлял собой смесь фенольной смолы с неопреновым каучуком. Клей подобного рода до сих пор применяют в современных реактивных самолетах.

Клеевые соединения стали не только хорошо передавать нагрузки от одной части конструкции другой, но и резко снизили концентрацию напряжений в заклепках и вокруг них, до этого часто приводившую к образованию усталостных трещин. В итоге существенно возрос срок службы изделий. Так выяснилась способность клеевого соединения к более равномерному распределению напряжений. Если обратиться к истории американской авиации, то выяснится, что в последней не зарегистрировано случаев разрушения конструкций из-за клеевых соединений, чего нельзя сказать о клепаных металлических конструкциях.

Клеи не только повышают прочность и долговечность соединений, но и удешевляют последние по сравнению с заклепками. Более того, замена заклепок клеем позволяет снизить толщину алюминиевой обшивки от 1,3 до 0,5 мм. В итоге достигается дальнейшее снижение себестоимости и, разумеется, большой выигрыш в весе.

В проектируемых сверхзвуковых военно-транспортных и крупных грузовых самолетах предполагается использовать огромное количество клеев.

Юрий Клёмин

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Визиты друзей и к друзьям.
СообщениеДобавлено: 05 май 2011, 19:45 
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Откуда: Альфа Центавра
yuriydnepr писал(а):
Отчёт Йорга о полёте в Украину.

"Все хорошо, прекрасная маркиза!" Я бы посмотрел, что бы уважаемый Йорг написал бы про свой родной аэропорт Бонн, если бы тот ему однажды выставил счет за посадку 200 USD!
Обычно там посадка стоит 5,60 Евро, однажды ошиблись и за такого груммана взяли 15 Евро. Вот какой был результат: "Habe für eine Landung einer Grumman Tiger (unter 1,2 to) satte 15,60 bezahlt, trotz Schulungsflug... finde ich heftig." И правильно. А Жуляны скоро, поскольку клиенты платят, по 300 USD за посадку требовать начнут. Ну, ну.

Залог здоровья - не зарядка по утрам, а высота и скорость.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Визиты друзей и к друзьям.
СообщениеДобавлено: 05 май 2011, 19:51 
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Зарегистрирован: 19 апр 2011, 16:48
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Yakovlyev писал(а):
papatango писал(а):
Все мы знаем тягомотину с получением разрешений на влет-вылет, выход в пространство G и т.д. Поэтому было принято решение оставаться в Жулянах.

А в чем именно была проблема? :o

Получение разрешения на Ж класс связано с необходимостью получения разрешения. А это: письмо от принимающей, согласование с инспекцией, заявка через ЦДС и т.д.
Изначально план был забрать гостей из Гостомеля в Наливайковку, но позже, проанализировав все "за" и "против" и посчитав все затраты приняли решение лететь в Жуляны и оставаться там на время всего визита. В конечном итоге получилось менее напряжно и дешевле.
Если звезды станут как надо, то вскоре все может поменяться. Печатаю скрестив пальцы :)

Самые большие глупости делаются с очень серьезным выражением лица (с)

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